Federal Government boosts program. Submit your suggestions now.

The Federal Government has recently announced it is increasing the Black Spot Program by $40 million, to $150 million. But did you know that you can submit your recommendations (read: preferences) on much-needed fixes?
Here are some things to know:
Funding is mainly available for the treatment of Black Spot sites, or road lengths, with a proven history of crashes. Project proposals should be able to demonstrate a benefit to cost ratio of at least 2 to 1. For individual sites such as intersections, mid-block or short road sections, there should be a history of at least three casualty crashes over a five-year period. For lengths of road, there should be an average of 0.2 casualty crashes per kilometre per annum over the length in question over five years.
The requirement of a history of crashes ensures that those sites that have a recurrent problem are targeted first for treatment.
The Black Spot Program also recognises that there are road locations that could be considered as 'accidents waiting to happen'. Therefore, some program funds may be used to treat sites where road traffic engineers have completed a Road Safety Audit and found that remedial work is necessary. This allows an opportunity for proactive safety works to be undertaken before casualties occur. Funds cannot be used for the purchase of road-building plant or equipment, or for operational or maintenance costs.
You can open / download the form here: https://investment.infrastructure.gov.au/sites/default/files/documents/Black%20Spot%20Nomination%20Form%202023.pdf